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Huge Asset pack containing 200+ props and items for your low poly game . 
There are multiple categories : Nature assets , Wooden Furniture , Tools , Plants & Trees , Ores , Ingots and more !
All the models use a single texture that contains all the colors used.
Format : .fbx 

  • With this pack you can easily create or even finish your game ,  list of items :
    5 Wooden Chairs
    3 Wooden Tables
    6 Types of Wooden Crates
    2 Types of Building logs/Timber
    3 Types of Wooden Barrels
    1 Wooden Shelf
    2 Carpets
    4 Beds
    1 Wardrobe
    2  Types of Wooden Floors
    3 Types of Wooden Walls
    1 Wooden Item Rack
    4 Types of Campfires
    3 Types of Blackmetal ( DarkBlue ) Crystals ( Mini,Medium,Big)
    3 Types of Diamond Crystals ( Mini,Medium,Big)
    3 Types of Ambermetal (Orange) Crystals ( Mini,Medium,Big)
    3 Types of Grey Crystals ( Mini,Medium,Big)
    5 Types of Minable Veins ( Quartz,Blackmetal,Diamond,Iron,Ambermetal(Orange),Gold
    2 Types of Big Rocks

  • 3 Types of Iron Ingots ( Single Iron ingot - Medium Pile - Big Pile )
    3 Types of Gold Ingots  ( Single Gold Ingot - Medium Pile - Big Pile )
    3 Types of  Titanium Ingots ( Single Titanium Ingot - Medium Pile - Big Pile )
    3 Types of Blackmetal Ingots ( Single Blackmetal Ingot - Medium Pile - Big Pile )
    3 Types of Diamond Ingots ( Single Diamond Ingot - Medium Pile - Big Pile )
    3 Types of Gold Coins ( Single Coin - Medium Pile - Big pile )
    1 Anvil
    1 Handsaw 
    1 Building Hammer
    1 Warhammer
    1 Woodcutting Axe
    1 Arrow
    4 Types of magic/ Scrolls ( 2 closed , 2 opened )
    1 Lantern
    1 Drinking Cup
    1 Treasure Map
    3 Types of Clouds
    3 Types of Cliffs/Hills ( Low-Medium-Big)
    4 Types of wooden logs ( Normal , Snowy , Mossy , Pile )
    1 Animal Skeleton
    4 Types of Plants ( Flowers,Cattail)
    11 Types of Stones ( Normal , Piled , Snowy , Mossy )
    6 Types of Mushrooms (  3 Mini Mushrooms , 3 Long Mushrooms )
    2 Potted Plants ( Cactus , Minitree)
    4 Types of Walls ( Logs , Spikes , Bricks , mini brick wall )
    4 Types of Tents
    2 Types of Columns
    3 Types of coffers/trunks
    2 Types of Lamp Posts/Crosssigns
    1 Cannon
    3 Types of Wooden Fences
    2 Types of Reinforced Spikes
    1 Bird-Cage
    2 Types of Bullseye Target ( With arrows/Without Arrows )
  • 44 Types of Trees ( Colors : Bright green , Dark green , Orange , Purple , Dark Blue , Bright Blue )
    4 Dungeon Floors
    2 Dungeon Walls
    6 Rectangular Tiles ( Grass(2 Types ) , Soil(2 Types ) , Snow , Field )
    6 Hexagonal Tiles ( Stone , Grass ( 2 Types), Field ,  Water )
  • License : CC BY 4.0

    I plan to add more items to this  pack , so stay tuned !
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
GenreAdventure, Survival
Tags3D, Colorful, Fantasy, Isometric, Low-poly, Medieval, nature, Tileset


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In order to download this asset pack you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $5 USD. You will get access to the following files:

AssetsNew2.0.rar 5 MB

Development log


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All the textures are missing for me. I opened them in Blender and Unity but the materials are just default white.

I just tested the pack again, and it imported just fine, in both Unity & Blender.In the .zip file there is a .png file called "Gradients.png", that is the texture pallete used in this pack.
In Blender make sure you connect the image node to the principled BSDF in case you don't have it.And in Unity assign the image file to the albedo in a new material in case it's locked.Hope this helps.


Yes it works. Thank you!


Had the same issue. Not that experienced with the Blender, so will need to look for more info on how to connect image node etc. But in Godot solved this issue with the same fix as in Unity. Added texture to the albedo. Unfortunately in Godot some models have missing faces :/ For example rocks in the campfire.

Good day to you !
I'll have a look, & I am going to fix the missing faces.
Thanks for the feedback :)

Did a check on Unity & Blender, I've also checked for the inverted normals but everything was alright for me.

Make sure to set the blending mode to opaque if available and turn off backface culling.
I'm not really sure why there are missing faces on Godot, I have never used it.
If the issue still persists I can issue a refund.

Yep, issue persist with Godot. Im actually considering switching to Unity. And about a refund... are you joking?? No need for refund, man you spent a lot of time working on those assets and I literally spent just couple euros buying them. Your work already is very devaluated by the market saturation. So please, no refund needed. If I will need some small edits I will learn how to do it myself. 


Awesome pack! Good job!
